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enough pity

August 26th, 2013 § 0 comments

Poem #225 for Tommy Carney


I am tired of hearing artists
beautiful, deeply creative artists
letting the words
I have to protect myself
ever escape from their lips…
it is bad enough that wretched phrase is even a thought
in the artist’s mind.

Unprotected against the world…
That is the whole point;
To be the exception within the human race
simply for the experiences it brings.

Our creations are all the protection we get.

Let it go
all of it
let it go and let it go.
Understand the two sides of life’s battle
and be brave enough to walk out into the open
into the square middle of the tension.
Do not get your head lost worrying about
courageous logical consequential fear;
simply be brave enough
to never say no
when your layers are asked to be peeled from you

Be an artist…

The common man might call our experiences and our lives
but we know
our obligation
is so much more fulfilling
than an adjective

To suffer
is only one only one small poem
in the raw vulnerability
the artist craves to share;
one single organ that makes up the whole.

So, enough safety and comfort…
let us remember to embrace the chaos
open the veins
and walk into the storm

why else be an artist?


(written on computer, frustrated at the state of art in america)

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