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i just don’t know

May 13th, 2013 § 0 comments

Poem #120 for Julie Tan


I have already come to the point

where I wonder

if any of this has any purpose


what the fuck really does it matter

even when I am correct or find an answer…

for what purpose is my righteousness

and suppose it is true

that it is simply for the purpose of a moment


that it is necessary


I try…I really do

close my eyes and come close sometimes

quieting too many voices for one head to control

one soul to remain strong against


I do not like walking past anyone

I do not feel comfortable thinking or knowing

that I am better than someone else

that someone else is less than me, inferior to me


that is something I can just simply not believe in


But still

I open the blinds and stare out at a city

one I was raised in

and I see the red brick dreams I have craved for so long

stare at the historical photograph of my view

pouring words

in this miniscule pod I sleep in


and wonder what I just did for the world

what do these words matter

to the world


sometimes I feel so much

but just cannot understand

how what I write helps your life

how have I really contributed





must everything always rely on faith?










(written on computer)

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