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$15,000 in debt
15,000 people
15,000 poems

Get Involved

Thanks for being interested in this project.  Your dollar is not measured by its actual value but by what it’s creating. As soon as your poem is done you will be the first to read it, so, please add to your Safe Senders list.

How do you want to get involved?


Online Payment

To give one or more dollars online, please complete the following form:


Your Full Name (required)

If you want to be publicly acknowledged, what name do you want to use?

Your Email (required)

How many poems are you requesting? (required)

Do you have a specific topic in mind?

Any special instructions or comments?

Postal Mail

Follow these easy steps to receive your poem:


  1. Get a Dollar Bill. (All Currencies Accepted)
  2. Get an Envelope. (Additional options are to recycle one from your endless pile of junk mail or make one by taping two postcards together)
  3. Get a Stamp. (Small, square, it is a form of payment for real mail. Often found in convenience stores, bodegas or at a United States Post Office)
  4. Print out a copy of the Poem Request Questionnaire (print one copy for each requested poem)
  5. Assemble–
    • Place dollar and questionnaire in the envelope
    • Seal the envelope
    • Write addresses on envelope as so…

      Anthony Frisina
      c/o Art, Not Debt!
      PO Box 5967
      Astoria, NY 11105

    • Place stamp on upper-right corner of envelope
  6. Drop the sealed envelope in a Mailbox
  7. Wait for your poem
  8. Celebrate profusely when your poem arrives
  9. Brag to everyone that you have a poem written for you for only a dollar and insist they get one as well
  10. Gather everyone you know and throw a Dollar party!!!

In Person

I live in NYC, so, I’ll be making my rounds to all the coffee shops to write. I’d love to meet you in person so please look me up and stop by to introduce yourself and request a poem.

Comments are closed.


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