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a penny on the floor

June 21st, 2013 § 0 comments

Poem #159 for Joanne Ruocco


There is a penny on the floor.
It is in front of me, across the aisle,
tails up, shinny and new.

No one else notices
but it’s just sitting there, undisturbed
real, brand-new money.

just lying on the immaculate train car floor.

you are all so poor, remember?
You cannot understand how you will survive…
You have to count every penny
well…There’s A Penny!!!

Now, see, look…damn

you waited too long.
That hipster is now standing on it
completely oblivious that under his foot is
a symbol that would allow
a human being to finally have a meal
or some whiskey to warm the pain

And when he leaves
it will still be there on the floor
except the sixteenth president will have been desecrated
by the filthy soul of his Converse
and it will remain there
to be swept away into the trash at the end of the line

I am just the observer
it is not my place to meddle and reap this coin

It does look nice, though.
What a proud representation of our success,
that there is even money that is below the standards
of the common man.








(written with pen on paper, astonished, again, at hypocrisy and irony)

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