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big bang theory

March 23rd, 2013 § 1 comment

Poem #69 for Tracey Klein


As the story goes…


the gods were lounging, long ago

before time was created

at the precipice of space and matter


they had relegated themselves to a double digit dimension

of an uncountable realm

out of sheer boredom of what

infinity had already become

(of which there was no concept yet as time had yet to exist)

we know now that at least four forevers had passed

when Pan procured Zoroaster  for the Virgo

on a dare from Big Daddy in order to

challenge the mindless faith

that these realms were as flat

as the rocks they carelessly stacked

on their ecclesiastical hookah

(rocks they never imagined were, at some point in the future, to become all we know of existence);

he did so with an intention to pry himself from conformity

and give verve to a brainchild he had,

an idea in which he was convinced would allow

every god to oscillate simultaneously

thus hoping to create a reprieve from

whatever and whenever there was


so consumed with this original mischief

Pan never considered that they

the gods themselves

did not merely exist but were created of creation itself;

something unknown at the time that was

later to be known as energy


So, as the story goes

when this pious orgy commenced

and Pan set forth this “brilliant” imprudent scheme of his

(now widely known as egos [the fall of man])

the very first orgasm even known to creation

was achieved, occurred, exploded

and blasted each of these deities to the furthest ambits

of all that ever was and ever was to become:

Big Daddy to his heavens

the ironic virgin to the stars

Zoroaster shattering among the charred coals

(later to be known as planets and the like)

and Pan was banished to dissipate amongst all that energy

that became of his waywardness

reproducing endlessly for endless forevers more


This is how the story goes


I understand it is an unusual tale I share

created from the consciousness of the reality of

what is now considered the human mind

but it is the most thorough telling I have

of what is commonly referred to as

the big bang theory









(written with pen on paper)

§ One Response to big bang theory

  • Anthony says:

    So, Tracey asked for two poems, one was my choice but the topic of the second was Big Bang Theory. Here’s what I got. This was a fun one to write!


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