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dear mom

April 7th, 2013 § 1 comment

Poem #84 for Audrey Dimola


Dear Mom,


Words seem to have ceased to exist between us

Dozens of letters have been written to you

buried in a box in my closet

all too angry for what I really would like to say


Tonight, now

in living up to the character I expect of myself

I need to tell you, honestly…

It was not fair what happened to you

to your dreams,

to the bear hug of existence you so passionately devoured

that devoured you

You were the golden princess in the yellow dress

your knight and kingdoms all held close

in your own box buried within your wardrobe

There were thousands who cheered you nightly

as you swept across the stage made of roses

disappearing completely from this reality


You were cast aside

disconnected the voice from your heart

and was entirely too weak to stand against them all

Eventually the words became true

validated by the men in your life

and the women jealous of your gifts

The hypocrisy began to make sense to you

with your weaknesses so clear

giving your soul to everyone but yourself


You are far too old now

it is what you still believe when you hear it

too alone to have the strength to begin the work

But I never lost compassion for your life

I have seen, beneath the layers, who you are

a dancing queen who still makes herself giggle

You are the very definition of love

don’t listen; be the dream you are…

it is never too late to find the glass slipper









(written on computer)

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