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everything is her

May 4th, 2013 § 0 comments

Poem #111 for Gift Poem for Cynthia Wood


Everything is her



I find the courage to speak my mind

and as I sit and attempt to write

it is all her


I try to get drunk

to free my mind

numb it

forget and move on

but I with every sip

I want to write poem after poem

about her

I am trying to document and describe

every perfect moment

of every day of every happening

in this simple life of mine

but it is her, just her

the ghost

the muse

the nymph


Another shot

another beer

another hit

but the pictures become clearer

more urgent

rather than disappear


I have lived a thousand years in the past thirty days

been stared at, questioned, judged, pushed

Still, the response is the same…


The most beautiful woman in the world

in the most beautiful world of women


Today is the day of saint valentine

the city is in love

men everywhere saying and doing anything

that can be said and bought for the female species

and here I am


one more drink please


this day is about a look

a simple gesture in a land of commercial chaos

a kiss behind the ear holding more value than any diamond

a speechless look into the eyes of my muse is more filling than dinner

a promise of honesty more coveted

than the promise of future commitment


i succumb to the fact

that regardless of my self-inflicted destruction

regardless of this day

regardless of my strength and determination

all I can think about is this stranger…

the most beautiful woman in the world









(written, sober then drunk, with pen on paper)

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