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i forgive you

December 16th, 2013 § 0 comments

Poem #289 for Song Gonzalez


I forgive you
for all of your trespasses
and for those I forced you to embrace;
within my responsibility, I forgive you

My door is open
I am not afraid to put these words down
while alone with the space wide open
My past is only a habit with memories
emotionally circular

I know that I am matter
my emotions

People think too big
trying to create one-world
one set of rules, one etiquette and responsibility…
I try to create my own world
common sense rules, fluid void of the judge
there to exist, giving in order to exist
improving with everything it is given

so I forgive you
so I understand you
glasses are not necessarily rose but a vibrant color nonetheless

as a five year old
walking to school at twelve
abused from every direction at sixteen
left with a bastard at twenty-one
forgotten by forty
paranoid with no memory at seventy,
I say goodnight to you more now
smile then keep walking my pilgrimage
because I forgive you






(written on typewriter)

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