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listening to the heart

January 20th, 2013 § 1 comment

Poem #7 for Matthew Zimmerman


I believe we have made a mistake,

most of us who make up humanity


we have come to believe that

the heart contains our soul

and that that soul has a voice

and that we are in fact multiple entities that create one

often with the mind


playing the antagonist

to our will

we have mistakenly believed that

we do not have control

we are not powerful

we are the five senses that seem so obvious


I believe we have made a mistake


There is no voice within us

no self-regulating opinion or truth


we often listen to our hearts

admiring ourselves for hearing

that voice

our thoughts

screaming louder

drowning out

the heartbeat


blood in, blood out

the heart has

no opinion

the heart has

no prophetic connection to

our higher self

the heart has

the task to keep the body alive

isn’t that enough to ask of it?




Stop, for a moment

plug the ears

close the eyes

touch nothing

breathe through the mouth

still the tongue

and feel

and understand


feel the heart


trust that life is a perfect pattern

existing for us


for millions upon millions of days

people might move fast

but the world changes slowly

don’t press ahead

with society

slow down

with the earth


it is all that simple








(written on pen & paper)

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