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looking around the cafe

April 7th, 2016 § 0 comments

Poem #456 for Anonymous


the poor counter girl is getting in trouble at the moment
getting put on probation;
poor girl is so sad now,
so cowered in the open in front of us all
so weak because of money;
her skin, including her feet, are
blood-flushed red
so hurt;
she’ll go home and cry,
thinking herself less-than
for no reason;
all in the name of capitalism


the rebel sitting across from me,
if he was faced with himself
in nature
free from the need to be expressive in a conformed society,
would he still be wearing blue lipstick?

so many people sitting alone
eating pastries and thinking and staring into nothing;
what are the thoughts running on through their heads?

Dear William,
sucking on your gums,
did you really understand
why the people feel the need to create order
and why they are so proud of it?

no one can own anything in this world;
land is its own,
impossible to have an original human proprietor;
it is our obligation to understand that;
to recognize that we take society too seriously

poor counter girl
poor rebel
poor people
none of this matters

all we need to do is face ourselves


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