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mind vs body

July 15th, 2013 § 0 comments

Poem #183 for Kym Pappas


Heresay, the blue unicorn, turned the corner, spit three times, counted to three then gave her ominous head nod…three times, always ending with that glistening horn presented clean, regardless of the last victim.

Across the way from Heresay, clear through the brush, eyes squinted shut by the sun, Farsighted, the meanest shot gopher of the old, new and yet-to-come wild wests, achieved perfect focus of the mad madam, threatening with her twitches and half-blood horse breathe, ticky-tock tapping on his piece like teeth to wood.

The moment lasted, though, for only that…a moment, because as Farsighted drew on his pristine target, far in the distance through these woods, Heresay also chose that unfortunate moment to exult her hidden secret to apparate, reappearing at the prices location of the tip of Heresay’s barrel in the precise moment the bullet left hurtled from it.

They were both just too quick for their lives.


(written with pen on paper, experimenting a bit)

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