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oh child

May 27th, 2013 § 4 comments

Poem #134 for Gift Poem from Darin Chumbley to his Perfect Son



how quickly it all changes

everyone will tell you this

eventually it will begin to annoy you

then one day you will decide to be different

this is your drive

your ambition, your dreams

you become stubborn, determined

then one day you will have a moment

you will look out to see it all come true

perhaps you might close your eyes

just to take it in from the other senses as well

after that, a peace will overcome you

relaxation allowing questioning

for understanding

priorities will change

reality will challenge nostalgia

hoping for something better than

a past that wasn’t always so good

and you will sit on a snowy night

listening to the quiet of your newborn


years from being that determined child

you only a moment ago were

and you will understand that

as soon as a moment ends

it is just as quickly gone

you will realize

that everyone was correct in their observations

but only

you alone will understand

that it is

you alone

who dictates the rate at which time passes

and that life ain’t so fast, after all






(written on computer)

§ 4 Responses to oh child"

  • Darin says:

    Truly beautiful. Thank you!

  • Darin says:

    Just another note to say thank you. May we all continue to be that determined child.
    Some day when you are in New York I want a signed version for Tiffany and Aiden! Nothing like pen on paper. ;o)

    • Anthony says:

      Definitely!!! Just let me know when you get here. I’m actually about to print my first book of poems. None from this project, all previously written. I’ll definitely let you know when it’s done!!!

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