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the ego

June 20th, 2013 § 3 comments

Poem #158 for Joanne Ruocco


Does anyone deserve the turmoil they live with?
Are tragedies consequences or random acts of happenstance?
If what happens to us is a result of karma,
then for how long are our actions
susceptible to its malice and reward?

A good wife, an even better mother,
young, still idyllic about love,
loses her true one to a sudden death;
Is that repayment for his or her actions?

If he were disreputable, why must she suffer?

But if she, all along, was the one closeting unsavory skeletons,
must their sacred bond force him
to discover his demise as a result?

But what if
these unconscious consequences
we consider to be negative, positive
occurred only by the proverbial coin flip?
Would the perception of the objectionable results
then be interpreted as a challenge rather than a sufferance?

Perhaps it is just that people have a flair for the dramatics,
so enjoy being afflicted through tragedies
so as to prove to themselves
and strength
in the face of the label of horror
rather than evenly accept that, in life,
shit happens and joy happens
and there most often is no reason to either,
no grand plan for us or against us;
it is simply life
occurring in its series of events
moving forward always as life does
with no regard for our opinions…

Perhaps not everything is all about us…


(written with pen on paper)

§ 3 Responses to the ego"

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