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August 3rd, 2013 § 4 comments

Poem #202 for Peggy Toledo


Racism exists within humanity
because we want it to;
those who oppress
and those who are

The strength it takes to rise above
anything that veers the emotion
toward hate or pity
to find love in every individual

It takes sacrifice
mostly of time
mostly of habit
but mostly of pride
to understand why and how
racism exists

Ignorance fuels the oppressor
the unwillingness to set aside the ego
to submit themselves to the truth
I Was Wrong

But the teachers and the leaders
of all the movements
of all the looked-down and put-down upon
all preach a common wisdom:
to hear a word as just letters
taking control of the ability
to devalue any intention behind them.

Still, the people refuse to cease
blowing oxygen into the fire
the ignorant keep feeding

I choose not to be a
racist or bigot
I choose not to be a
victim or insulted



(written on computer after an argument :D )

§ 4 Responses to racism"

  • Matthew Zimmerman says:

    Yup, this about sums up what you were telling me the other night. Again, very impressive, though I think you need to be in the shoes of someone judged. But I get where you are coming from, bud. Though perhaps I could use to stretch beyond my current belief system and try to adopt the essence of yours.

  • J.J. says:

    Really like this one. It’s a choice faced by everyone every day, a choice that has to be repeatedly made. Fortunately, it’s easier to let go of hate although some people don’t know it yet.

  • Joanne says:

    Racism – As a “white” American of Italian descent, i am tired of being held accountable for slavery, plain and simple….

    Facts: Every white American (who was here at the time) did not own a slave. Africa has been enslaving other African’s for many centuries, even until this day. While many were captured into slavery, many were sold into slavery by their African brothers. William Ellison was a slave who was freed at 26 and became a slave owner (36 to be exact). I can’t find his name, but there was a ship load of slaves that harbored in the North. All slaves on that ship were set free. One of those that were set free, became a slave trader.

    So I guess African Americans who hate all whites for the horror of slavery, should also hate all other african americans. I am tired of the mentality that “white america” owes something to african american’s because of slavery.

    In the 1600′s the Ethiopians conquered Sicily and killed the men and had their way with the women, so i guess if i use the same reasoning, every african american owes every sicilian something. Besides the fact that it is possible that i could have african blood running through my veins….so i guess white america owes me something too…

    The country was split to abolish slavery…Many white americans fought and died to support that cause. Many white americans helped slaves escape (underground railroad). Just as many white americans believed in and helped the cause in the 60′s.

    I am not in denial about the fact that racism is all around us…..but WHITES are not the only racists.

    I may not be able to have a full understanding about what black americans go through, but i can have empathy for it and do what i can not to perpetuate it, just as anyone who has ever been discriminated against can…..there are many forms of discrimination, not just “color of your skin” discrimination.

    Where’s the outrage and the blowing up of communities because black men are killing black men (more than creepy ass cracka’s are)…

    I was taught there are good and bad in every race…..I treat people the way i want to be treated. I don’t judge people by their skin color, but by there actions.

  • Anthony says:

    Though I agree with a lot of points, one thing I need to say is that I feel white people are finally having to go through what all minorities have gone through since before this country’s inception, so, I find the white-rage amusing, especially hearing extremists in middle-america angry about how a black person is taking advantage of their community. Let’s not forget that not too long ago, even in my life time, segregation existed in many states (long after it was made illegal).

    This wasn’t just about black vs white, because we are far more racist towards latinos than the black community in this country.

    And, Matt…the point was to show that the true leaders preach and teach that no matter how painful the lash, do not stand there and continue to be lashed, but, do not fight to encourage more violence and intolerance (and justification). Rise above, keep your focus and do not even listen. Walk past. It’s something I deal with often. Being a straight man, I had to endure a lot of “gay slander” as a kid for also being a dancer in a very homophobic society. I got the shit kicked out of me a few times as well. I get the word faggot doesn’t carry its history with me, but, words are just words…

    Strength is difficult to hold on to in this world because integrity is no longer rewarded.

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