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selflessness (to the angry artist in the basement)

February 3rd, 2013 § 0 comments

Poem #21 for Gift Poem from Pat Cannon


What is our obligation in this life?


Are we inherently selfish?


Do we instinctively need to help others?


Is there not one path for all humanity?


Is our species that divided?

Are we just an intellectual faction of the animal kingdom?


Does it even matter?


What is the level we are obligated to uphold to coexist?


Must we have fear to balance our intelligence?


Why do we insist on being so unhappy?


When will the optimists get to cease justifying ourselves?


Has it really become that difficult to listen?


How about humans slowing down a bit?


Why not put every face to a pillow and scream, scream, scream?


Have you ever ingested air?


Felt it?  Tasted it?


Ever chew it? Ingest it?


Is it that frustrating to be still?  In your space?


*  *  *




I believe our selflessness




our obligation…


and enjoyably so



-  af





(written on typewriter)


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