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smaller government?

September 11th, 2013 § 0 comments

Poem #241 for Nancy Paris


if the private sector
wall st, big oil, monsanto
are what is destroying our home
then for what reason would
a responsible, active citizen
want less government?

the logic confuses me

at the moment
we have given up hope for democracy:
the public servants have become leaders
and the people have become comfortable

the ideal of the governmental body of our nation
is representative
which means
each individual
needs to show up
needs to work
represent their wants
and find common ground,
not focus on rhetorical disagreements

the government is
of the people, by the people, for the people…

Where Are The People?

those who run the government right now
are those who have put the effort into running the government
and therefore deserve the rewards of their tireless efforts

“it is not how hard you look at a problem
it is the way you look at it.”

so, perhaps we need
more government
more representation
more unity
more of us working together
for the common good
we claim to love so dearly
and less of what we foolishly believe we are entitled to
by god, nature or our own egos

make no mistake
government is not the problem
just as the car is not to blame
once the drunk is behind the wheel

let’s start there…




(written on computer after aggravating myself reading FB statuses and quotes)

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