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the sea heals

April 8th, 2013 § 1 comment

Poem #85 for Audrey Dimola


Water is fluid stillness

tranquil, of course

but violent, brutally honest, caring


To me, the sea is mysterious;

I have read books

imagined the most exciting of journeys

all involving the endlessness of the earth

as experienced on the water

but it always held nothing but fears

even though I was raised on an island


A few weeks into this journey

I found myself living on the Pacific Ocean;

something strange overcame me

an inner strength, a confidence that catapulted

as a result of waking by the sun

opening my eyes to nothing but water


Every trip since

involving the inner city, the outer city, another city

has literally lowered

my stamina

my passion

my momentum

and I have a few more weeks to go

being away from that magical liquid


I was not going to write this evening

a victim, once again, to life’s monotony

which wills more and more patterns

back into my life

But, I remembered my intent

on living with character

decided to close my eyes

listen to the ocean

smell the salty air

and understand the omen

that the sea

is the only thing that can heal me









(written on computer, finally alone)

§ One Response to the sea heals

  • Today’s topic from Audrey is the sea’s healing power. I was VERY fortunate to have lived on the beach in Venice for 5 weeks in my most recent trip out there and, yes, it certainly does heal all…

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