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time capsule

March 28th, 2013 § 1 comment

Poem #74 for Gift Poem from Michelle Linak to Baby Jon


If you are reading this

then I am an old man

and you are almost at the age I was

as I sat in a café on a hot winter’s day

in a city of angels

and I noticed

most of them have fallen…


how else could angels be living on earth?


There is not much wisdom I can impart on you

as I am still learning myself

and I wonder now if I will have gained any

upon this paper’s resurfacing from the ground.


I do, however, have plenty of words;

slowly trying to use them less, listen more.

People just want to be heard…


This writer, I admit, is a stranger to you.

Stay curious, though;

everyone in my life was unknown

until their purpose became clear.


I cannot tell you what the world is

both now or as I scribble away.

People do not make sense.

Nature does not make sense.

And the more sense you try to make of

anything else

I am sure you’ll discover that it only becomes more puzzling.


Do good

and you will never have to worry about



I sat down to write this after

a good walk, a good sermon and a good meal.

I have been meaning to put this together

for days and weeks

while you still were a tiny hope in many people’s lives.


Then, this morning

a pastor asked us to stand, united, for a fallen child.

He asked for a prayer of gratitude

for the life she was

for the faith she instilled after passing.

I sat in the back corner when I attended today

witnessing a collective energy of hundreds of strangers

rise and band together

for the simple purpose of love, grace and compassion.


Regardless of what happens to you, Baby Jon,

and wherever you are,

know that people really do care;

that whether you choose to tolerate them or not,

each and every one of us has a struggle

of some sort

in our lives.


You existed for a reason,

learning too young

all the secrets of life…









(written with pen on paper)

§ One Response to time capsule

  • So, this one is really about a little hope that was almost born into an amazing family. The request was for a poem to be placed in a time capsule, but, sadly, the baby did not make it past a few weeks of pregnancy. So, here is the time capsule poem…

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