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why not do something

March 18th, 2013 § 0 comments

Poem #64 for Allie Weschta


There is a sign on the beach that prohibits camping

and a thought enters my mind about how much sand and coast

this country has and how we

the people born here, who labor here, die here

in order to sleep on this tranquility


need permission, usually at a cost

must purchase the land (at a cost and prohibition to others)

are outright banned from doing so altogether


A person, a human being

needs to ask permission to sleep on the earth…

that is the society we have established

that is the world you seem perfectly content to live with

the rules you are willing to follow


So disconnected

So sadly, sadly disconnected

that we praise ourselves for

visiting occasionally

acknowledging seldomly

and generally betray what gives us this life


So spoiled are we by our narcissism


I do not fear too much for what inevitably is to happen

but I think that it is unfortunate

because we accept that we are prohibited

from sleeping in the sand









(written with pen on paper)

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